
Submit a Resolution

The deadline to submit a timely resolution for consideration for the CDP Executive Board Meeting November 18-20, 2022 is Wednesday, October 19, 2022 @ 12:00:00 PM PST. (Thank you for everyone that submitted Resolutions. The Resolutions Committee will not be meeting at the 2022 Convention. All submitted resolutions will be heard at the next Executive Board.) Resolutions not complying with the above time limits, for either Executive Board meetings or annual CDP Conventions, will be termed “late resolutions.” In order for a late resolution to be considered for passage, the sponsor of the resolution must provide the CDP STAFF with 35 printed copies of the resolution for use by the Committee members. Submitters of late resolutions are also requested, but not required, to provide an electronic copy of their resolution to the CDP staff by email to or by other electronic means.

For a resolution to be considered, it must be sponsored by a member of the DSCC. Be sure to include this qualifying information on the submission form.

Please be advised: 

  • Resolutions are intended to be general statements of our principles.
  • Resolutions that dive into highly technical and detailed policy recommendations may not be considered by the Committee at their meeting.
  • Resolutions should not reference or take positions on specific bill numbers, legislation, or ballot initiatives.

The resolving body of the resolution MUST be the California Democratic Party, not a different organization.

For more information:


Rural Caucus Supported Resolutions

To be updated